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How to Clean a Sponge: The Best Way to Keep It Germ-Free

  • by Brodie Cook
cleaning a sponge

A kitchen sponge is a small but important tool we use every day. It helps to wash your dishes, wipe down benches and sinks. Nowadays, many of us own at least one sponge to help with our cleaning routine.

The sponge that is used frequently picks up food particles, grease, and grime. If we don’t clean it properly, it can turn into a germy mess full of bacteria. But don’t worry, when it comes to cleaning, there are simple and effective ways to clean a sponge without using harmful chemicals like bleach. Later in this article will learn how to clean sponge to keep it fresh and safe to use.

Why Cleaning Your Kitchen Sponge is Important

Sponges often stay wet and pick up bits of food. They quickly become a perfect place for bacteria and microbes to grow. 

Scientists have found that harmful bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus can survive in dirty sponges for days, increasing the risk of spreading germs in your kitchen (Source:

A bad smell is often the first sign that bacteria are growing in your sponge. This unpleasant odour comes from germs, mould, and mildew breaking down food particles inside the sponge. Research has linked the bacteria Moraxella osloensis to the musty smell found in old sponges (

Clean is essential. Keep your sponge clean and fresh to make your kitchen more hygienic and prevent the spread of bacteria.

Step by Step to Clean Your Sponge

Step 1: Wash Your Sponge

Always start the cleaning process by washing your sponge with water and dish soap.

Thoroughly wet the sponge, then add a drop of dish soap. Squeeze it a few times to make bubbles and help remove oil. Scrub off food particles and grime. Rinse the sponge thoroughly under running water until it looks clean. If it still seems dirty, wash it again with more soap. Remember! A sponge that isn't washed properly won’t disinfect well.

Step 2: Disinfect Your Sponge the Eco-Friendly Way

Now it is time to disinfect kitchen sponges. There are several environmentally friendly cleaning methods to kill bacteria without harmful chemical.

1. Use White Vinegar to Disinfect a Sponge

Full-strength vinegar is a natural way to kill bacteria and sanitize a sponge. Fill a bowl with full-strength white vinegar and soak your sponge for 10 minutes. After soaking rinse, the sponge thoroughly to remove any vinegar smell and let it dry completely. This is an easy and environmentally friendly way to clean and disinfect a sponge without using harsh chemicals.

2. Clean a Sponge in the Dishwasher

If you clean your dishes in a dishwasher, this is another great way to clean your sponge. Do it at the same time as you do your dishes. Simply place the sponge on the top rack and run a full cycle with hot water and a drying cycle. The high temperatures in the dishwasher will sanitize the sponge and kill bacteria making it a hassle-free and effective way to keep your sponge clean.
Tip: use the dishwasher sheet!

3. Soak Your Sponge in Boiling Water

Some go to the extreme of boiling water and then adding their sponge in that boiling water. It might be effective, but the first 2 steps are easier. I feel this step might also impact the longevity of the sponge. If you choose to use this method, use tongs to carefully remove the sponge from the hot water.

Step 3: Dry the Sponge Properly

A wet sponge is a perfect place for bacterial growth. Always let the sponge dry completely before using it again. 

After washing your sponge, squeeze out as much water as you can. Let it dry in a place with good airflow, like a dish rack or sponge holder. If you can, put it in the sun because the heat helps kill germs. Hanging it up or using a drying rack also helps it dry faster. 

 Don’t leave your sponge in the sink or on a wet surface, as this keeps it damp and lets germs grow. Keeping your sponge dry will make it last longer and stay cleaner!

Why You Shouldn’t Put Your Sponge in the Microwave

Microwaving a sponge

Sponge is microwave-safe. Many of us say microwaving a sponge is a good way to kill germs but it is not the best idea.

The high heat might kill some bacteria, but it does not remove food bits grease or grime stuck inside. If the sponge is too dry or has metal in it, it could even catch fire.

Another problem is that microwaving does not kill all germs. Research shows that some bacteria, like Bacillus cereus, can survive the heat unless the sponge is microwaved for at least 4 minutes. If the sponge isn’t heated long enough, these bacteria can start growing again once it cools down. (Live Science).

A better way to disinfect a sponge is to soak it in full-strength vinegar or wash it in the dishwasher with hot water. These methods clean and disinfect kitchen sponges properly.

When to Replace Your Sponge

Even if you clean a sponge often, it will not last forever. Sponges are used every day and over time they wear out. A germy sponge can spread bacteria instead of cleaning. If your sponge has an unpleasant smell or starts falling apart it is time to replace your sponge.

For a better option try the our Scrub Sponge. It lasts longer, easy to clean and is better for the environment. Upgrading to a better sponge helps keep your kitchen fresh and hygienic.

Why Choose the Lucent Globe Scrub Sponge?

The Lucent Globe Scrub Sponge is a good choice if you want a clean and long-lasting sponge. It is made from Natural materials like Egyptian loofah. It is stronger than regular sponges. You can clean it with high temperatures or soak it in a bowl with a tablespoon of vinegar. It is easy to wash and use again. The rough texture helps scrub away grime without scratching. This sponge makes dishwashing simple and keeps your kitchen fresh.

Final Cleaning Tips

  • Before using your sponge and soap, rinse off food bits from dishes under running water. This will prevent food from getting stuck in the sponge.
  • Always wash your sponge with soapy water right after using it. This stops germs from growing.
  • Never soak your sponge in harsh disinfectants

  • If a sponge is used to clean messes from raw meat, it should be disinfected immediately

  • Dishwashing your sponge at high heat is an easy way to kill bacteria

Now you know the best way to clean a sponge without the need for harsh chemicals